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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My last Goodbye.

Hey chobots!
As you saw on the title i am quitting chobots. Please, don't start begging me to not quit because it's my final decision. I had so much fun with you, but.. i understood that there are more important things to do in life,than sit on the pc and playing a game on the internet. I don't want this to be like a drama "please tania dont quit :'(" or anything else. Being an agent for me was something that really made me feel special but i know ill get de-agented. You would say that i'm lucky that im an agent,but not really..The first days ppl were crowding me at cafe street and then,day by day, less people were talking to me. Everyone behaves normal now. Being an agent is nothing more than going on HQ, have blue chat and buy more things from agent catalog. People believe that mods trust agents more or they let them win in contests but that's so wrong. Anyone can win in contests! Someday, all of you,while growing up, will realize what you're doing on Chobots and find no sense.. You know, it's more fun to go out and meet your friends than sit on the computer. Also school is getting harder and harder and i can't be on Chobots anyway. The bad thing is that you get addicted after a year or something,which is bad for you :/ I don't really care if i get de-agented, i will only regret how much i tried and worked to be one. But it's just a game,you can't be sad or cry for a game! You might have friends there etc. but still. I will miss you everyone and never forget you :)
I hope your dreams in life become true and don't let people hurt you for any reason! Be yourself, follow your heart and everything is ok :)
Goodbye :')

PS: I dont think ill visit Chobots, i MIGHT :)


Chokittyy said...

You are really right Tania bcuz study is getting harder i am in 7 class and the studies are much harder now and sititng on the internet is not good u r really right now i will not stop u to quit bcuz studies are more important in our life

Isuarez said...

:( bye tania your a true friend



Adora said...

Goodbye and Goodluck Tania! I too had to make the same decision,it's not an easy one! My studies are easily now my most important aim.I do still mangage a rare visit from time to time, which is fun as there many amazing friends to catch up on..and I hope you will visit from time to time too..but yes life beckons beyond Cho!
Enjoy it! ;)

♥♫♣$paяklγβluεz♣♫♥ said...

Hi Tania !
I can say ur partly right cuz.. U know studies are important in life..Srsly ,after I joined cho my parents started hating me.. They say tht I play in a game in which I can gain nothing.. I know they are right cuz there is no game which can improve our life.....

Internet is gud if we keep our limits to use it,like 1 hour maximum...

Anyways I would like to say u gud byee and gud luck !
Enjoy ur life
Hav fun !

Best wishes frm ur best frnd

Starlet17 and Remix said...

Heya Tania !!! -waves-

I know how you feel about school work - it's prettaaay hard work, so I understand why you won't be on cho that much.

Good luckies with all your exams, and what not. =)
Have a great life =) -huggles-

We'll always remember you, you're a amazing friendie.


Mart said...

Hey tania you are right of that of school is getting more difficult i undesrtand you but i loggin in chobots sometimes a little time and thats give more time to study and meet my friendss, but im not you so its your deccision.

Your friend :D


NutellaFurLife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flyinghawk said...

Hi Tania :)
I know its hard for you to quit, but I guess its for the best. I hope you life will be good :) School is hard, I understand. Everyone goes through this. But please if you ever have time, come online to Chobots :D I wouldn't want to see an amazing agent quit forever. :(

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone for your comments :)
Im just saying that i didn't quit Youtube,i will be commenting on your videos etc. but no making more.
Im also on skype. My skype is taniastar98 and you can talk to me evrytime :)
Thanks for the support :')

Emma said...

why are you leaving why why why

Hillary345 said...

Tanie :) thats true and I agree you are a good friend :)

xCookieCakex said...

I love you Tania :D
Always miss yah :)

- Yellowbells other acc XD